Online Learning

The WSCA offers members a variety of online learning options to help meet their continuing education requirements. Each is offered as a convenient supplement to the major conferences and other live workshops provided through the association. 

Click here to view the courses we currently have available.

We also have resources available for your staff, offered through Assistants for Chiropractic Excellence (A.C.E.). 

A.C.E. Chiropractic Assistants Network

The A.C.E. training program offers one-hour teleconference courses each month. Each segment concentrates on a specific condition within the office. Overall, the program helps the doctor and staff to achieve: higher profits, less office stress and turnover, and more freedom through a well-trained staff. Click here to learn more.

Premium Members

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WSCA Newsletters

October 9, 2024: Conference is One Week Away; Social Event at Conference; Office Space Available October 2, 2024: Clarification on UHC/Medicare; Social Event at Conference; Seeking DCs for Clinical Study September 25, 2024: Last Day of Pre-Registration Rates;...

5 Reasons Washington Chiropractors Should Attend WSCA Connect ‘24

The WSCA is the only organization in Washington dedicated to promoting and supporting the entire chiropractic profession. Our mission is to help chiropractors help patients. We support Washington chiropractors through legislative action, continuing education...

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One great thing about being a member of the WSCA is the fellowship with other members in our Chiropractic family from all over the state!

Diane M. Sherwood-Palmer, DC