
WSCA Plexus Issue April-May 2024, Washington State Legislative Elections 2024 - A Crucial Turning Point for Chiropractors, New WSCA Partnership with Practisync, Understanding Insurance Coverage in Washington Car Collision Cases, and Much More!

June/July 2024

Inside This Issue

WSCA Annual Conference Preview Issue! Everything you need to know about WSCA Connect happening Oct  17 in Spokane and Oct 19-20 in Tacoma. Check it out!



WSCA Staff & Volunteers

Editor, Layout & Design

Jane Rial, Rial Marketing Communications

It is the policy of the WSCA to produce publications for the following purposes: to keep the membership informed on issues of concern and current news; to improve communication and cooperation between members of the profession, and between the profession and the WSCA; to promote and advance the activities, goals and objectives of the WSCA; to provide a forum for input and exchange regarding the direction of healthcare and the chiropractic profession; and to provide a venue for promotion of the WSCA’s corporate membership while providing financial support to the WSCA.

Display Advertising Policy

It is the policy of the WSCA to extend display advertising opportunities in Plexus only to those companies and/or individuals who choose to affiliate with the WSCA as Corporate Members. DCs who maintain outside business interests in addition to their chiropractic practice are invited to increase their involvement as Corporate Members and thus enjoy the privilege of advertising their products in Plexus.

Editorial Submissions

Submit news releases, articles and photos for consideration: 541-480-1949

Premium Members

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WSCA Newsletters

July 17, 2024: COLA Bill Insurance Survey; Learn More About WSCA Connect '24; Nutri-West Pacific July 10, 2024: My Health My Data Webinar; Last Chance to Meet the Candidate; Vitae Wellness Solutions July 3, 2024: Meet the Candidate Webinar; 4th of July Conference...

Unlock Your Student Debt Relief Potential Now!

DEADLINE ENDS JUNE 30! Exciting News Alert!  The Department of Education just handed you a golden opportunity to supercharge your student loan forgiveness journey!  Here's the scoop: Extended Deadline: Time's ticking, but the Department of Education just threw you a...

Urgent Alert: Update on HB 1655 This legislative session, the WSCA built a coalition with 17 other healthcare professions to promote HB 1655, the bill that would require insurance carriers to include annual cost-of-living increases in...

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One great thing about being a member of the WSCA is the fellowship with other members in our Chiropractic family from all over the state!

Diane M. Sherwood-Palmer, DC

WSCA Leadership & Platinum Partners

WSCA 2024 Plexus Media Kit

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Reach nearly 1,100 Chiropractors in Washington State through WSCA’s award-winning magazine, the Plexus. Download the 2024 Media Kit.